Developer resources

Welcome to /dev, our resource area for Web developers and netheads.

All tools and information on this site are provided "as is", and carry absolutely no warranty whatsoever!

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Online Javascript Minifier

This page provides an online Javascript code minifier. It is implemented - appropriately - entirely in Javascript, and so no code you enter here is ever sent to the Zen Solutions server. This code is based on the original design in C by Douglas Crockford. It was converted to Javascript by Franck Marcia and others.

If you would like to read Douglas Crockford's description of how JSmin works, click here. Please also visit Douglas Crockford's Javascript website for a huge range of useful resources.


You can add any comments here (e.g. a copyright or version note); this text will be appended to the start of the minified output.


Write, or copy & paste, your Javascript code here


Minimal: original algorithm but keep linefeeds if single
Conservative: original algorithm
Agressive: remove more linefeed than the original algorithm but can be regressive



Old size: New size: Ratio: